What Types of Phone Numbers Are There?


At the Belfabriek, you will find various types of phone numbers for your business or organization, which you can easily apply for online. But what types can you actually find in our assortment? We have listed them below.

0800 Numbers

The numbers that start with 0800 are free for callers in the Netherlands. The number owner sponsors the call costs, which lowers the threshold for callers.

In practice, 0800 numbers, when used in advertising campaigns, generate up to 25% more incoming calls compared to when you use another phone number. This is not only because the number is free, but also due to the professional and national image that such an 0800 number has.

085 Numbers

At first glance, the area code 085 seems to belong to a specific region, but this is not the case: the 085 numbers are region-independent.

For a low rate per minute - namely that of a normal phone call - your customers, guests, patients, or business relations can call this phone number. Because it is a non-geographic number, it will attract people from all over the Netherlands.

088 Numbers

Like 085 numbers, 088 numbers are national phone numbers with a low rate. The difference is that 088 numbers are issued in 'blocks'. Such a number block contains at least one hundred consecutive numbers. This makes 088 numbers particularly suitable for large organizations with many phones.

As a number owner, you do not have to use all one hundred numbers immediately, let alone pay for them. Only when you need a new phone number in the series do you activate it and pay for it.

0900 Numbers

A 0900 number also has a national appeal: it is a non-geographic number that appeals to people in both Texel and Maastricht.

For a call to a 0900 number, callers pay a rate per minute or per call. How high that rate is can be set by you as the number holder – within certain limits.

The special thing about a 0900 number is that you can generate income this way. In this way, you finance the telephone service you provide. Note: 0900 numbers are not intended as a help or service line for existing customers.

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